Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Please Pray for Direction about Our Building

At Monday Night's prayer meeting we found out that we will have the opportunity to possibly take over the entire building where we are currently located, which will give us the much needed room to expand the sanctuary and the church as a whole. This will require a much greater financial commitment, but in following with our theme for the year, we are "Attempting Great Things for God and Expecting Great Things from God". Sometimes we have to step out by faith and do things beyond our own abilities. We are praying that God will work through the hearts and minds of all those that will be involved in making this happen. We are hoping that we can find many faith partners to partner with us financially and in prayer. Please pray for Gods' Will to be done in this area.

1 comment:

  1. God has blessed out church greatly in the past year. I am excited about what he is doing for us and what he is going to do. He will work out our building situation and give us the finance we need. I know he is going to continually bless in our services and give us new members that want to work for the Lord.
